Serial Designation J, or commonly referred to as J, is a character who appeared in guns’s most recent webseries, the gambians
. She was a female Disassembly Drone and the leader of her squad, before eventually succumbing to a fatal death through Uzi obliterating her with nathuram Godse.
However, J's supposed "death" wouldn't last long due to the presence of an even greater threat, the mysterious program known as the AbsoluteSolver, which created a centipede-like monster known as Eldritch J and began to reconstruct her using the material of several Worker Drones it consumed; despite the attempts of Uzi and N to stop the program, J was successfully reconstructed and returned to exoplanet in The Promening, with the assistance and supervision of her superior, Tessa.
- 1 Contents
- 2 Appearance
- 3 Personality
- 4 Biography
- 4.1 Pilot
- 4.2 Heartbeat
- 4.3 The Promening
- 5 Abilities
- 6 Trivia
- 1Appearance
- 2Personality
- 3Biography
- 3.1Pilot
- 3.2Heartbeat
- 3.3The Promening
- 4Abilities
- 5Trivia
J has features similar to that of a typical female Disassembly Drone, with yellow neon eyes and white silverish hair in twin-tails tied with black ribbons. Like other Murder Drones, she has a black headband, with five sections of lights and a long, thin black tail ending in a large syringe, both with a neon yellow liquid inside.
She appears to be wearing a short-sleeved dress with a belt sideways as well as strap buttons and pockets on the side with a Bowie giving the appearance of a businesswoman as seen in the pilot and concept art. She seems to be wearing knee high stockings giving off an anime schoolgirl approach to her, and like other disassembly drones she dons a yellow armband around her left elbow.
During her time as a Worker Drone, she wore a maid dress with a black bow on her chest while her twin tails appeared to be longer in length.
When she hunted, her mouth grew several jagged teeth, and her eyes became an "><" shape. She also deployed giant, dangerous bladed wings and claws that allowed her to easily tear through any Worker Drone that stood before her.
Following her termination, her bio-mechanical core infused with nanites known as the AbsoluteSolver activated and summoned Eldritch J, a centipede-like mechanical beast with several spindly bladed appendages and blades along it's back. It also has several camera-esque eyes on multiple other appendages, with fangs surrounding the rims of the lenses. The underbelly of the body still had construction stripes. The creature’s head also retained J’s twin-tailed hairstyle, it’s lower jaw is missing while the top half is fanged and the visor is melted to illustrate it’s bestial state. The monster began killing other Worker Drones, assimilating their parts to begin rebuilding J.
J is best described as a "lethal workaholic", given that she is incredibly dedicated to her job, although she is not as sadistic and insane as V is. She looks down on others who are not as good at their designated task. This is best shown with her relationship with N, as she despises him and tells him that she would kill him if their company allowed it. Her dislike of N goes as far as to infect him with a virus when learning that he wants to rebel against their company and what they stand for (even though there is a perfectly good reason for wanting to do so), while also taking glee in doing such an act.
J is also arrogant and prideful, as she tends to enjoy insulting others. This proved to be her downfall, as she was able to incapacitate Uzi, but rather than finishing her off right on the spot, she took the time to monologue and gave Uzi the advantage to stab her with her own acidic tail. Despite this, she does acknowledge whenever her fellow drones do something she considers worthwhile. This is shown when N supposedly gets past the Worker Drones' door and, despite her low opinion of him, J genuinely congratulates his efforts and rewards him with a pen, an item she actually considers an accomplishment.
J is first shown in a flashback by N, where J has N pinned on the ground with her foot, telling him if she was allowed to, she would kill N herself. One day, after arriving back at the corpse spire they constructed around the crashed ship J, V, and N arrived in, J notices N had went offline and she assumes that he tripped and got knocked offline. J reboots N's systems by smacking him in the face, the smack turns N's systems back online, and N runs away to chase Uzi and retrieve her railgun. N suddenly running away makes J and V suspicious causing them both to follow him.
J and V catch up to N to find out he managed to get through the first two doors of the Worker Drone Bunker. J seems genuinely surprised and says that N wasn't useless for once, and rewards him with his own JCJenson branded pen. After V leaves N starts to question the company and what will happen to the Disassembly Drones when all the Workers are killed. N's questioning gives J a chance to kill N like she's been wanting to by planting a virus on him, and leaves him for dead. J then flies into the vents to wipe out the colony of Worker Drones. J and V would have Thad, Khan, and many other Workers cornered when suddenly N and Uzi arrives.
N finally tells J that he doesn't like the way she's been treating him, after N says this J calls him a traitor and a fight ensues between N and V, and Uzi and J. While N defeats V, J would be on the brink of victory as she has Uzi on the ground and is about to finish her off, however during J's monologue Uzi stabs her with her own tail. The stab causes J to back up in pain and fall down, which allows Uzi to grab her railgun, and shoot J with it. The railgun blast obliterates the top half of J's body, and after the fight, N flies out with Uzi, and a captive V.
In a dream of N's, most likely a flashback, J is a Worker Drone maid in a mansion where she is shown to still be abusive to N, this abusive nature of J's is shown by her kicking him, telling him to move. J then looks over and greets someone named Tessa, which J quickly gets annoyed after seeing Tessa has another Worker Drone behind her, before the flashback ends. Later when a Worker Drone, Frank, is attempting to fix the hole in the ceiling left by N, J's body is shown to start moving away like something is dragging it. The thing dragging J's body is the Absolute Solver, which then transforms into a much bigger, mechanical abomination, killing Frank. It would then move on to kill more Worker Drones in order to get parts to reconstruct J's body.
The Promening[]
J was eventually rebuilt and re-deployed to Copper 9, accompanied by her old boss Tessa, all grown up and working for JCJenson. Tessa coldly states the two of them have "maintenance work" to do, most likely a euphemism for killing more Worker Drones.
Flight: Like other Disassembly Drones, J possessed a dangerous pair of large retractable wings with several long blades instead of feathers that allowed for high speed flight and was used to cut and impale things with the bladed 'feathers'.
Corrosive Nanites: The end of J's tail had a syringe of yellow liquid containing highly corrosive nanites.
Extreme Agility and Strength: J was agile and possessed more strength than the average Worker Drone due to having Disassembly Drone physiology.
Virus Implant: J seemed to keep a virus chip in case another Disassembly Drone became "corrupted", giving them a system error.
Interchangeable Hands Similar to other Disassembly Drones, J had the ability to switch out her hands for various tools and weaponry, though so far she was only seen interchanging her hands for large claws and EMP cannons.
Absolute Solver: After J was destroyed beyond repair by Uzi's railgun, a mysterious backup program called "Absolute Solver" appeared and began its directive of collecting material from Worker Drones to reconstruct J's form.
- J is the first known Disassembly Drone to be destroyed and reconstructed.
- She is currently the only Disassembly Drone shown to use their EMP Cannon.
- In the Season 1 Teaser, when asked the question “Is J actually dead?”, Liam Vickers responded with nervous stuttering and an “Uh-oh!”, implying her eventual return. which would come true in episode 3.