Edible Dosage Chart: An Easy Way To Learn To Dose (2024)

Table of Contents

1 Edible Dosage Can Vary For Each Person

1.1 Beginner Edible Dosage

1.2 Advanced Edible Dosage

2 How Many mg of Edibles Should You Eat?

3 How Long Does It Take To Feel The Effects?

4 Understand the Effects of CBD and THC Content in Edibles

5 Final Tips on Dosing With Cannabis Edibles

6 What To To If You’ve Over-dosed?


Using edibles as a way to properly dose THC is an efficient and accurate way to ingest cannabis. Edibles come in many forms, including food, lozenges, and capsules.

The effects of edibles deliver generally last longer than other methods, such as smoking or vaping. Edibles can, however, produce unwanted effects that are too strong for some users. Overconsumption can lead to dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

The key to determining how much of an edible you should consume is understanding how to dose it. We’ve put together a cannabis edible dosage chart that you can follow to dose properly.

Let’s find out!

Edible Dosage Can Vary For Each Person

Many factors effect dosing, such as weight, age, and tolerance. As is the case with most medications, cannabis can affect each person differently. Each person has a unique endocannabinoid system that naturally occurs in their body.

THC and CBD can react differently for each person, and some may do better with a lower dose, while others need to consume more THC to feel the same result.

Another factor to consider is previous cannabis use. Those who consume cannabis on a request basis will need to ingest more THC than someone who frequently uses it.

Beginner Edible Dosage

Determining the appropriate dosage for beginners in the realm of edibles is essential for a positive and safe experience. As you can see on our edible dosage chart, novice users should start with a low dose, typically around 5 to 10 milligrams of THC.

Edible Dosage Chart: An Easy Way To Learn To Dose (1)

This conservative approach allows users to gauge their sensitivity and reaction to the edible’s effects. By gradually increasing the dosage as needed and being patient, beginners can navigate the edible experience with greater confidence and minimal risk of discomfort.

Advanced Edible Dosage

Advanced users familiar with edible consumption can consider higher dosages, but caution remains paramount.

As demonstrated on our THCmg dosage chart, for those with a higher THC tolerance and experienced understanding of their body’s response, dosages ranging from 15 to 50 milligrams can be explored.

Even seasoned users should adhere to the golden rule of “start low and go slow,” allowing ample time for the effects to manifest before considering additional consumption.

How Many mg of Edibles Should You Eat?

Now you know that dosing for edibles can vary from person to person depending on body chemistry and tolerance. However, there are some basic guidelines to follow that can help you find the right dosage for marijuana edibles.

THC edible dosage:

1 – 2.5 mg

  • Ideal for first-time consumers or consumers who want to microdose.
  • Effects: Pain relief, stress relief, anxiety relief, increased focus.

2.5 – 15 mg

  • Ideal for: Most recreational use, euphoric feelings, insomnia relief.
  • Effects: Impaired coordination and altered perception. Stronger pain and anxiety relief.

30 – 50 mg

  • Ideal for: Those with a high tolerance to THC.
  • Effects: Very impaired coordination and perception. Strong euphoric feelings.

50 – 100 mg

  • Ideal for: Those with an extremely high tolerance to THC. Patients who have inflammatory disorders or other chronic conditions.
  • Effects: Impaired coordination and altered perception. Possible extreme side effects such as rapid heartbeat, nausea, and pain.

How Long Does It Take To Feel The Effects?

The body must break down the edible before THC is released into the bloodstream. This process could take up to two hours. A common mistake that edible consumers make is not waiting long enough for the edible to hit before consuming more.

This can result in overconsumption and negative side effects. We recommend waiting 1 hour and 30 minutes to 2 hours before consuming more THC.

Edible Dosage Chart: An Easy Way To Learn To Dose (2)

Understand the Effects of CBD and THC Content in Edibles

THC and CBD have different effects. Using either of these cannabinoids can result in different effects, such as pain relief or anxiety relief.

By adding CBD to a THC edible, it can actually enhance the medical benefits. CBD has an adverse effect on THC, so it can actually block some of the intoxicating effects of THC. Those looking for medical help from edibles should explore cannabis edibles with both THC and CBD.

1:1 CBD:THC products are very therapeutic and cause less impairment than pure THC edibles. However, overconsumption of a 1:1 ratio edible can still result in negative side effects such as nausea and paranoia.

Final Tips on Dosing With Cannabis Edibles

    • Wait for at least one and a half hours before consuming more THC-infused edibles. If you don’t feel any effects after one hour, try eating a healthy snack that can activate digestion in your body, such as a piece of fruit.
    • If you are new to consuming edibles, start with a low dosage.
    • Some people have trouble absorbing THC into their system. In this case, try the same low dose 2-3 times within 24 hours before increasing the dose.

What To To If You’ve Over-dosed?

If you find that you have gotten too high from cannabis edible, don’t worry. Follow these tips and read our guide to learn How To Sober Up If You’re Too High.

  • Stay calm and lie down. Find a comfortable place such as a couch or bed. Keeping calm is the best thing you can do when you’re too high.
  • Consume a large dose (100mg-200mg) of CBD. The CBD will counteract the THC and could help to relieve your symptoms.
  • Find some sort of distraction. Put on a funny movie or music so you don’t have a constant negative dialog running through your head.
  • Remember, no one has ever died as a result of being too high. Although it may feel uncomfortable at the moment, this too shall pass.


How strong is a 10mg gummy edible?

A 10mg gummy edible contains a relatively mild dose of THC, suitable for beginners or those looking for a subtle cannabis experience.

How much mg edible dosage for beginners?

Beginners should begin with a modest dosage, generally ranging from 5 to 10 milligrams of THC.

What is considered a strong edible?

An edible containing around 50 to 100 milligrams or more of THC is considered to be a strong dose.

How many mg of edibles should I eat?

The appropriate dosage of edibles depends on your experience with cannabis; beginners might start with 5 to 10 milligrams of THC, while more experienced ones could opt for 10 to 50 milligrams.

Edible Dosage Chart: An Easy Way To Learn To Dose (3)

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Edible Dosage Chart: An Easy Way To Learn To Dose (2024)


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